Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Adjie Notonegoro Celebrate Birthday in Court

Adjie Notonegoro renowned designers are still struggling to resolve the case law related to allegations of fraud for business purposes. This is the second time Adjie dealing with the law with the same case.

As usual, Adjie look calm before the trial begins. The trial this time beragendakan hear witness testimony. He was grateful that no witnesses presented against him. His mood was more pleased when he got a surprise birthday in court.

The reason is, just today as well as presenters disainet uncle Ivan was 50 years old. Surprise birthday cake in the form of two friends Adjie given. Of course, it's simple surprises Adjie more pep for running the trial until the decision of the judges heard.

"Oh, this surprise. They always follow inside and during the trial. Those who care of me. Nah thought. All my friends, they encouraged me," said Adjie moved, met at the South Jakarta District Court, Jalan Ampera, Jakarta South, Monday (07/18).

Because are still languishing behind bars, Adjie no birthday party held a large scale.

The man who had caught the same legal case was praying that next year will be much better than the previous year.

"Last year, baseball is also a party. Last night, 12 o'clock I pray. I made ​​the wise and forgiving. I feel should be more mature, clear, not negative thinking, am left yield the same God," she prayed.

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