Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Democrats Comfortable Place to Find a Position

Ilustrasi (Foto: Dede Kurniawan/okezone)Democratic Party (PD) is currently a great place for people who want to find a job.

It was announced by B Tonti, cofounder of Democrats in the discussion on Doekoen Cofee, Jakarta, Sunday (24/07/2011).

"When the PD won election a second time, I saw many people who go just looking for a good position," he explained.

Tonti also explain the present PD only has three pillars, the first S, the second B, third and Y. "The three pillars of this means SBY, so I guess not sure PD won in 2014," he said.

If there is no cadre, continued Tonti, PD may not win in 2014, even later in 2019 PD only in history.

"Here I see only the audience of the party, the party instead of the fighters," he added.

China Furious Philippines Landing on the Island Zhongye

Foto : Pulau Zhongye (panoramio) 
The Chinese government protested the Philippine lawmakers who landed on the island Zhongye in the South China Sea waters.

"China has sovereignty which can not be disputed in the South China Sea," said Foreign Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying China M Zhaoxu Xinhua on Thursday (07/21/2011).

"Visit the Philippines to the region violates China's sovereignty," he said.

On Wednesday, five members of the Philippine parliament flew to the island of Pag Asa in the South China Sea. They will reinforce its claim over the area waters.

However, Philippine officials expressed purpose of visiting the Philippines is on a mission of peace and not military operations.

China had also warned the Philippines, saying that the visit of Philippines to the disputed territory of no use.

South China Sea conflict has proven to sever the relationship of China and the Philippines. In addition, Vietnam and China had fought in the same case.

Beat China Vietnam Fishermen blame game

Foto : Angkatan Laut China (intellasia) 
Vietnamese officials accused the armed forces of Vietnam and China threatened to beat up fishing boat crew as they sail in the waters of the South China Sea.

Officials at the Vietnamese border province of Quang Ngai said Chinese warships pursuing the fishermen before they deploy that contains 10 motor boats armed forces.

The Chinese troops armed with rifles and batons straight into Vietnamese fishing boats in the Paracel Islands, as reported by the Associated Press, Thursday (07/14/2011).

Chinese troops beat and kicked the Vietnamese fishing boat captain and his ship threatened to nine men.

Vietnamese officials whose identity does not want to be called states, the captain was not hurt in the beating.

This incident occurred in the middle menegangnya disputed South China Sea claimed by China, Vietnam and the Philippines. Earlier, Filipino fishermen have been warned by the military not to go to sea to the South China Sea because of tensions between countries there is still increasing.

The More Troops boy in Yemen

Foto : Tentara anak (gobiernodeapure)Many children in Yemen who finally decided to join the Yemeni armed forces and others joined the dissidents in Yemen.

Walid, a boy of 15 years covered by clothing in the Yemeni military guard post located in the western city of Sanaa. Walid Ak 47 rifle hanging on his shoulder, but the gun was too big for a relatively short body.

"He was carrying a rifle whose size is bigger than him," said resident, told IRIN on Friday (07/22/2011).

Walid was recruited by the First Armored Division after he defied and participated in anti-government demonstrations.

"This is a good thing for me, working with revenue of approximately USD110 or Rp936 thousand instead of having to stay at home with no activities," Walid said.

Walid is one of the boys who had joined in the Yemeni forces and also forces dissidents. There are three military units active in Yemen, which is supporting the government is the Republican Guard and Security Center, while a rebel was the First Armored Division who often recruit boys under 18 years old.

According to the Chairman of the NGO Child Protection Organization (SOCP) Ahmad Al-Quraishi, the phenomenon of recruitment of children as armed forces increases when Major-General Ali Mohsen defiant. Until now, children who were recruited not yet clear, but the SOCP estimate the number has reached thousands.

"Currently undergoing observation at security posts and other locations, we found many children dressed as Republican Guard, the First Armored Division and Safety Center, in the City of Sa'dah, 50 percent of pro-government forces and militants Houti generally aged under 18 years , "Al Quraishi said.

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Boehner: House will compromise on debt limit

House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday that Republicans controlling the chamber are willing to compromise on legislation increasing the government's borrowing authority.
"Frankly, I think it would be irresponsible on behalf of the Congress and the president not to be looking at back-up strategies for how to solve this problem," Boehner said. "At the end of the day, we have a responsibility to act."
Asked whether GOP lawmakers supporting the House "cut, cap and balance" debt limit measure would be unwilling to ultimately compromise, Boehner said, "I'm sure we've got some members who believe that, but I do not believe that would be anywhere close to the majority.
His talk of possible accommodation in the protracted political stalemate over federal budget policy came as the Senate took up the tea party-backed House legislation Thursday. It ties an increase in the government's borrowing authority to a series of conservative demands, including immediate spending cuts and a constitutional balanced budget amendment.
Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called up the measure to placate Republicans demanding a vote. But he said it "doesn't have one chance in a million of passing the Senate."
Democrats argue that the so-called "cut, cap and balance" measure would impose untenable spending restraints and set spending levels, as a percentage of the overall economy, on par with the mid-1960s — before the advent of Medicare and automatic Social Security cost-of-living adjustments.
The development Thursday reflected the reality that there's more talk than progress as official Washington wrangles daily over finding a way out of a debt dilemma that has the government sliding inexorably toward a first-ever default on its financial obligations.
President Barack Obama met with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, at the White House for 90 minutes on Wednesday, but neither side would comment afterward.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Thursday the legislation now before his chamber would be an opportunity for lawmakers to "go on record in support of balancing our books or against it." He urged Democrats to join GOP senators in backing it.
Democrats are expected to kill the measure — which they say would demand debilitating cuts to Medicare — in a vote on Saturday if not before.
Meanwhile, momentum on a separate bipartisan budget plan by the Senate's "Gang of Six" seemed to ebb as critics warned the measure contains larger tax increases than advertised and it became plain that the measure comes too late and is too controversial to advance quickly — particularly as a part of a debt limit package that already would be teetering on a knife's edge.
Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., a member of the Gang of Six, said Thursday that some 40 senators of both parties back the plan his group has brought forward. It generally takes 60 votes to pass legislation in the 100-member Senate because the rules permit unlimited debate unless a supermajority votes to limit it.
But Conrad also said he feels there's too little time between now and Aug. 2 to complete a comprehensive package of spending cuts, benefit program changes and an overhaul of the tax code.
Conrad said doing nothing is not an option, saying that "we're all going to have to do things we'd prefer in a perfect world not to have to do."
Absent a breakthrough between Obama and Republicans, there is a hotly contested backup plan by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that would give Obama broad new powers to obtain increases in the government's borrowing unless blocked by veto-proof two-thirds margins in both the House and Senate.
Many conservative Republicans are in an uproar over the McConnell plan, and more than 70 House members signed a letter circulated by members of the conservative Republican Study Committee calling on Boehner to come out in public opposition to the McConnell-Reid plan..
In a shift, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday that Obama would back a short-term deal to prevent a disastrous financial default on Aug. 2 but only if a larger and still elusive deficit-cutting agreement was essentially in place.
Officially, the president continued to push for a big compromise that would cut the nation's budget deficit and extend the government's tapped-out borrowing power above the current $14.3 trillion cap. Obama had threatened to veto any stopgap expansion of the nation's debt limit, at one point last week even challenging House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., not to call his bluff about it.
Carney said if a divided Congress and the White House can agree on a significant deal, Obama would accept a "very short-term extension" of the debt limit to let bigger legislation work its way through Congress.
Obama also is open to the McConnell plan, but it seems barely aloft due to fervent tea party opposition in the House. The hope appears to be that such an option will look a lot better to the House in a week or so, given the lack of other ideas.
The Gang of Six plan has come under assault from critics like House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who say the plan would increase taxes by $2 trillion over the next 10 years instead of the $1 trillion-plus claimed by proponents like Conrad — a development likely to stunt momentum among Republicans.
The revenue increase is larger than advertised because the $1.2 trillion in new taxes comes on top of an underlying assumption used by Obama's deficit commission — and incorporated by the Senate group in its plan — that the Bush-era income tax brackets for family income exceeding $250,000 would revert to the higher, Clinton administration levels. The deficit panel's assumption was made before Obama buckled in December and signed a full extension of the Bush tax cuts.
The Gang of Six plan also earned poor reviews from liberals like Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who said it would "balance the budget on the backs of the vulnerable."
And Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., who is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, blasted the plan in a missive to his panel members, saying it would cut the Pentagon much too deeply and would unfairly curb military health and retirement benefits.
The Gang of Six plan promises almost $4 trillion in deficit cuts, including an immediate 10-year, $500 billion down payment that would come as Congress sets caps on the agency budgets it passes each year. It also requires an additional $500 billion in cost curbs on federal health care programs, cuts to federal employee pensions, curbs in the growth of military health care and retirement costs, and modest cuts to farm subsidies.

Casey Anthony gets job offers, taxpayers get legal bill

elated Content

  • Casey Anthony leaves the Orange County Jail in OrlandoCasey Anthony leaves the Orange County Jail in Orlando
    The $537 balance Casey Anthony received from her jail canteen fund is hardly enough to live on, but the Florida woman seems to be managing fine since her release from custody on Sunday.
Her lawyers won't reveal where she went or who is funding her new life on the outside, but say the 25-year-old Anthony is safe and has received hundreds of job and housing offers.
Florida taxpayers will receive the bill for Anthony's high-profile prosecution, which ended on July 5 with a jury acquitting her of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2008.
Taxpayers began picking up Anthony's legal expenses in March 2010 after she ran out of money and was declared indigent by the courts.
So far, the state has reimbursed her defense lawyers for $119,000 in expenses, according to the Justice Administrative Commission. Another $5,800 bill from the defense is pending, records show.
Prosecutors have not finalized their overall expenses but have identified at least $91,000 in costs, State Attorney's Office spokeswoman Danielle Tavernier said.
Still being calculated are the costs of the massive, three-year police investigation that began in July 2008 when Caylee Anthony was reported missing. Casey Anthony falsely claimed her daughter had been kidnapped by a nanny.
The toddler's skeletal remains were found in December 2008 in woods near the Anthony family's home.
Casey Anthony was convicted of misdemeanor charges of lying to detectives during the investigation and sentenced to the maximum four years in jail. But with credit for time served awaiting trial and good behavior while in jail, she spent less than two weeks more behind bars after her sentencing.
Anthony has indicated she will appeal her convictions and is requesting that the state continue to fund her defense.
An August 25 hearing is scheduled for Judge Belvin Perry to decide what portion of the trial and investigative costs Anthony should bear. After that, the question will be whether she is able to pay up.
Anthony's defense attorneys have not returned calls for comment from Reuters.
Taxpayers aren't the only ones with a stake in Anthony's financial resources. Lawyers for a woman suing Anthony for defamation filed a motion on Wednesday demanding information about any book, movie or interview deals she has been offered.
The lawyers also want to know about any offers for appearances on television shows or in advertisements, or for purchasing the rights to any documents in Anthony's possession.
Speculation abounds that Anthony could sign a rich contract to tell her story, and theories over her whereabouts since her jail release have also run wild. Lead criminal defense lawyer Jose Baez told Orlando station WKMG that Anthony left town.
"She's not here in Orlando," Baez said.

Obama Legacy May Be Withering American Dream

Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign trumpeted hope for the future, but his legacy may include presiding over the withering of the American Dream. Belief that the American Dream is possible has dropped by nearly 20 points since his election, falling just below one-half of U.S. adults.
My research since 1998 about the American Dream has shown its definition evolving away from material wealth and toward spiritual happiness (both secular and religious.) So this drop in belief hints that our economic and political problems are shaking American confidence about the future and even our way of life.
This should be an enormous problem for a president seeking re-election, especially since Republican opposition makes it nearly impossible to stimulate employment in ways Obama would prefer. However, stridency from that opposition and weakness of the Republican field put Obama in much better position than the situation should allow.
And here is another twist on why Obama can survive this national malaise. Demographic groups loyal to Republicans are more likely to believe in the American Dream than are Democratic base voters. In 2008, Obama carried voters who did not believe they could achieve the American Dream by two-to-one, lost to John McCain those who did believe in the dream and still won the election. Our July 15-18 IBOPE Zogby interactive poll showed the largest drops in belief coming from groups most likely to vote against Obama.
Let’s look at our data to give you a better understanding of these dynamics. In an interactive poll taken immediately after Obama’s 2008 election, 68% of adults said it is possible for them and their families to achieve the American Dream, and 18% said it did not exist. Almost as many (62%) agreed most middle class families could achieve it. Our poll taken a week ago showed 49.7% believing the dream was achievable for their families, 30% saying it did not exist and 44% agreeing it is achievable for most middle class families.
As you would expect, confidence to achieve the American Dream rises with household income, but changes from 2008 to now don’t consistently follow according to income. The group whose confidence has been least changed (down five percentage points to 67%) and is now highest is the middle income household of $75,000 to $100,000. (In households making $25,000 or less, 33% still believe the dream is within their reach.)
There was little change over three years in how people defined the American Dream. In 2008, 38% defined it as material goods and 43% said it was spiritual happiness. Now, 40% choose the material and 37% spiritual. Above I suggested our loss of national confidence is about more than just economic well-being. The reason is our finding that those who define the American Dream as material are only slightly more likely to say it doesn’t exist than are those who define it as spiritual happiness. It seems we have both an economic and psychological recession.
In terms of political affilaition, Republican leaning groups show the largest declines in belief in the dream. Here are percentages from 2008 and now: Republicans 82% to 60%, those 65 and older 69% to 36% and conservatives 83% to 57%. Democratic base voters also showed a loss of faith in achieving the American Dream between the two polls, but not as great: Democrats 57% to 46%, liberals 52% to 40% and ages 18-29 69% to 55%. Among independent voters, their totals went from 63% in 2008 to 45% now.
Independent are the voters Obama is appealing to in the debt limit debate by trying to show he is the one willing to compromise and even go against his base to win an agreement and avert default.
That is a good political approach to governance in a time of such voter disaffection. Soon it will be time to go into full campaign mode. Obama came into the presidency at a low point and his ascendancy was in many was similar to that of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Democrats hoped he would use government as FDR did to ignite the economy. Instead, his first term now more closely resembles that of Harry Truman - recession, foreign threats galore, and challenges to whether this President is up to the job. Truman's party split on the left and right, but he ultimately ran against a "do-nothing" Congress controlled by Republicans. Obama is expecting liberals to forgive his compromises and vote to throw out Republicans who have opposed him at nearly every turn. Rather than go on the defensive, Obama will have to take a page from Truman by giving hell to Republicans and trying again to give hope to an electorate that is fast losing it.